There is a proven connectivity between leadership quality and the power to know! “The art of understanding connectivity and the cause-and-effect relationships in the system is an essential key to leadership quality”
Complexity is about understanding the system, and how the system components interact together to form the system dynamics. The complexity of organizational culture can be described as a systematic construct of different variables, with different percentages, and different impacts on each other. This systematic nature of the company culture is the actual code behind the organizational behaviour, internally with each other, and externally in the market, and the culture ultimately establishes the current level of performance.
From our perspective, complexity is the main concern, because of the nature of companies, markets, and global connectivity at large. Making a decision in a company or organization will not only affect the nearest team but the impact will reach the whole supply chain.
The leaders’ power in setting the culture
The leaders’ ability to understand the system dynamics is a major determinant of the leadership quality of an organization. At the same time, a person in the leading position is also in charge of setting the culture in the workplace, which means the culture that is formed by a few managers will ultimately attract and keep a certain type of employees that want or can stay in this culture. Lowering the turn-over rate of the right people is one of the objectives we help our clients achieve by designing a culture of sustainability.
In most cases, it is not the error of what the manager is doing wrong, but it is more critically the mistake of what is over-focused on, and what is neglected because of the unawareness of the big impact. From the report, it is easy to know where the time and the energy are directed, and in what areas there must be more focus.
Organizational culture is a complex system

We think that Peter Drucker’s saying “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” explains how culture changes the nature of the strategy. This saying explains for example how the declared values are eaten by the actual values, how the estimated competencies are replaced by other competencies, and how culture directs people to focus on certain areas, to over-focus on some areas, and to neglect other areas, away from the planned strategy.
There is a unique construct of variables to discover underneath each organizational behaviour. Viewing organizational behaviour as the only level to develop for the change management process limits the probability of success. The power to design the most effective solution, where the development is not just behavioural skills, but a comprehensive process of investigating, assessing, and understanding the current reality as a system, then to approach the desired outcome through an accurately designed solution. Understanding how the system works gives leaders the power to adapt, and the wisdom to use their knowledge and experiences to perfectly respond to the feedback loops of the system.
We help companies understand their own culture as the back end and the code behind the scene to empower leaders to maximize the ROI of their decisions and to minimize emergencies.